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Well it violates our constitutional rights as citizens of the US. In general putting orders in place during a declared state of emergency is somewhat ok. But orders are not......
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Sign your message RIGHT NOW to Anne Arundel County Executive Steuart Pittman and the Anne Arundel County Council demanding that Anne Arundel County re-open immediately! FOR THOSE IN AACO PLEASE......
There is pretty solid evidence that the WHO, Fauci, Gates and even other people like the Clintons, are pushing forward to achieve a mandatory vaccine for this and any future......
Our legislators both Republican and Democrats using the color of safety to impose a 11% tax on gun purchase transactions that is actually imposed on the dealers and FFL’s which......
Please read the inserted document. This bill is totally unconstitutional as it violates the first amendment of the US Constitution and the 36th of the Maryland State constitution. I believe......
I’ve changed my stance on this bill and you can see my new arguments in this post – HB0558 UNCONSTITUTIONAL! While HB0558 is not unconstitutional on its own, the whole......
And so it begins – War of the States!!! From Mike Adam’s Brighteon: “The Governor of Texas has defied the lawless, unconstitutional SCOTUS order that demands Texas open its border......
This policy does NOT limit or restrict the flags allowed to be flown. It puts the decision squarely on the principal to display what ever flag he or she or......
https://nemosnewsnetwork.com/tony-fauci-nina-jankowicz-vivek-murthy-karine-jean-pierre-and-more-served-in-missouri-and-louisiana-lawsuit-alleging-collusion-to-suppress-freedom-of-speech/ Sorry for the jumping around, but Fakebook wouldn’t let me post the link above....
Please Help Me Fight for Everyone’s Unemployment Rights In MD!! Remember my winning this case is a win for hundreds of others in Maryland who like me stood up for......