In 2001 and again in 2005 our legislators passed the Maryland Emergency Management Act which even back then conflicted with our United States Constitution. But it was passed and made into law. And we in the audience slept. It’s time for the citizens of Maryland to wake up and do what needs to be done to ensure our rights are restored and that we don’t allow this MEMP or other legislation chip away at our Constitutional rights.
We are actively participating in this right now. Join us in writing testimony and letters to your Delegates and Senators and let your voice be heard loud and clear! This is one of the most important things you as a citizen can do to help us Restore the Free State to the freedoms we as citizens hold and as protected by our Constitution.
Watch this site for legislative actions that you can help support. But better to set up your own watch list on MyMGA. See the post below about how to do that.