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Well it violates our constitutional rights as citizens of the US. In general putting orders in place during a declared state of emergency is somewhat ok. But orders are not......
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Sign your message RIGHT NOW to Anne Arundel County Executive Steuart Pittman and the Anne Arundel County Council demanding that Anne Arundel County re-open immediately! FOR THOSE IN AACO PLEASE......
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There is pretty solid evidence that the WHO, Fauci, Gates and even other people like the Clintons, are pushing forward to achieve a mandatory vaccine for this and any future......
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Our legislators both Republican and Democrats using the color of safety to impose a 11% tax on gun purchase transactions that is actually imposed on the dealers and FFL’s which......
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Please read the inserted document. This bill is totally unconstitutional as it violates the first amendment of the US Constitution and the 36th of the Maryland State constitution. I believe......
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I’ve changed my stance on this bill and you can see my new arguments in this post – HB0558 UNCONSTITUTIONAL! While HB0558 is not unconstitutional on its own, the whole......
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And so it begins – War of the States!!! From Mike Adam’s Brighteon: “The Governor of Texas has defied the lawless, unconstitutional SCOTUS order that demands Texas open its border......
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